Borrower Portal
Simplified Account Creation Process for Borrower and Loan Connect
Several changes have been made to the account creation process for borrowers and Loan Connect users. The
following changes were made to streamline and simplify the process:
- Users are no longer required to provide security questions
- The temporary password expiration time has been increased to 8 hours
- The verification link expiration time has been increased to 8 hours
- The verification email has been enhanced to use a hyperlink instead of the full website URL
A hyperlink is used in borrower verification emails only. This change will be seen in Loan Connect
verification emails in a future release.
Updated Borrower Account Creation
1. On the Create Account Page, the borrower provides their first and last name, email address, phone
number, and a user name and password for the account.
2. After all required information is provided, the borrower clicks Create Account.
The Verify Your Email Address notification message appears.
3. The borrower opens the verification email.
4. The borrower reviews the message and clicks the verification link to finish setting up the account.
The verification link is active for 8 hours. If the borrower clicks an expired verification link, the
Verify Your Email Address notification message is displayed. From here, the borrower can click Resend Link and a new verification email will be sent.
Encompass Consumer Connect Site
Resolved Issue with the Close Menu Icon on Mobile Devices When
Primary Site Color Is White
On sites that use white as the primary color, mobile device users experienced an issue where the
close icon (X), which was also white. To resolve this issue, the color
of the close icon (X) has been changed, and now matches the color of the menu font.
Borrower Portal and Loan Application
Resolved Issue with Co-Borrower Previous Address and Loan Submission
An issue with the interview style loan application has been resolved. This issue prevented the borrower
from submitting the loan application if the co-borrower's previous address was entered, and then later